Friday, March 30, 2012

Two thirds of Irish households refuse to pay banker property tax

Just over 30% or 600,000 of the 1.8 million eligible households in Ireland have so far paid a new €100 household charge, reports the Irish Independent.
The number of people paying the tax is bound to increase before the deadline tomorrow. But the refusal of two thirds of the Irish households to pay the property tax is one of the largest acts of civic disobedience ever in modern Irish history.

The  €100 household tax is to be replaced a higher property tax next year on the behest of the EU/IMF/ECB  Troika.
As in Greece, the Irish government has threatened to deduct the property tax from electricity bills or cut off electricity from those who refuse to pay. A series of show trials are also planned for people who refuse to pay the banker tax.
People are deliberately not paying a tax because they know their money is going to banksters and bondholders, who  inflated the country’s national debt. A complicit government has compelled the people of Ireland to pay a private bank debt.
The household tax revolt indicates that the people of Ireland will overwhelming reject the new fiscal pact in a referendum on May 31st – as long as the police guard the voting boxes and the referendum is honest. There is a growing awareness about the government manipulates figures on a whole range of issues.
The fiscal pact is just another household tax on an EU-wide scale. It will strip the people of the right to any say in how their tax money is spent and allow for limitless taxation by unaccoutable bodies.
Meanwhile in Spain, hundreds of thousands of people have demonstrated against banker austerity.
Read more about the household tax revolt on the WUAG blog:

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