Τον περασμένο Απρίλιο οι γιατροί διέγνωσαν καρκίνο σε προχωρημένο στάδιο στον Τέηλορ και του ανακοίνωσαν πως δεν υπάρχει καμία μέθοδος για να γιατρευτεί. Ο καρκίνος τον είχε χτυπήσει στο παχύ έντερο και δεν μπορούσαν να κάνουν τίποτα.
Ο Τέηλορ που ήταν μηχανικός σε πετρελαϊκή εταιρία στη Μεγάλη Βρετανία, δεν παραδόθηκε στην μοίρα του και άρχισε να ψάχνει τα πάντα για την αρρώστια μέσω του ίντερνετ.
Η δίαιτα
Αυτό που ξεκίνησε άμεσα ήταν να αλλάξει το διαιτολόγιό του αρχίζοντας μια δραστική δίαιτα που δεν
περιλάμβανε καθόλου κρέας και οποιοδήποτε φρέσκο προϊόν αλλά αντίθετα ξεκίνησε να καταναλώνει δέκα μερίδες φυτικές τροφές και μερικά δισκία σελήνιο την μέρα.
Ο καρκίνος εξαφανίστηκε
Στις 6 Αυγούστου το νοσοκομείο του έδωσε την πιο ευχάριστη ανακοίνωση της ζωής του: Ο καρκίνος δεν υπήρχε πια!
Δεν υπάρχει αμφιβολία στην αρχική διάγνωση, όχι μόνο γιατί στο νοσοκομείο είχε πραγματοποιήσει όλες τις απαραίτητες εξετάσεις, αλλά και για ένα άλλο λόγο. Στο παρελθόν είχε υποστεί εγχείρηση για αφαίρεση καρκινικών όγκων και των μεταστάσεών τους.
Πρόκειται για μια ίαση θαύμα και για μια θαυματουργή τακτική που όμοιά της δεν υπάρχει καταγεγραμμένη στα ιατρικά χρονικά
Οι γιατροί μελετούν το φαινόμενο για να εξαγάγουν επιστημονικά συμπεράσματα πριν αναγνωρίσουν την θαυματουργή «δίαιτα Τέηλορ».
Τμήμα ειδήσεων defencenet.gr
Did this grandfather, 78, really beat 'incurable' cancer just by changing his diet? Extraordinary story of the man who got 'all-clear' after swapping red meat and dairy products for 10 fruit and veg a day
- Doctors told Allan Taylor, 78, in April that his cancer couldn't be treated and had spread from his colon to his small intestine
- In August the retired oil rig engineer from Middlesbrough got another letter - to say he was cancer-free
- He puts the change down to his new diet, which he adopted after looking up 'colon cancer cures' on the internet
A grandfather, who was told by doctors that his cancer was 'incurable', has been given the all-clear less than four months later - after trying a different diet.
Allan Taylor could have been forgiven for fearing the worst when doctors told him they could do nothing to treat his condition.
But the 78-year-old would not give up, and instead searched the internet for an alternative method to fight his cancer.

Given the all-clear: Allan Taylor, 78, beat cancer by changing his diet and taking herbal remedies
Mr Taylor, a retired oil rig engineer from Middlesbrough, replaced red meat and dairy products with 10 portions of raw fruit and veg each day.
His diet included powdered grass, curry spices, apricot seeds and selenium tablets.
Mr Taylor made the changes after he received a letter on April 30, telling them were was no point having any more chemotherapy as it would not cure him and neither would an operation.
'They said if they cut out the cancer it would just pop up somewhere else,' he told the Sunday Mirror.
'But I was determined to stay positive and decided to find my own cure.
'I was determined to stay positive and decided to find my own cure'
'On August 6 I got a letter from
North Tees hospital to say a scan had shown my cancer had gone and "the
abnormality is no longer visible". I’m all clear.'Mr Taylor's ordeal began in February last year when he noticed a two-inch lump in his abdomen. He was sent for a scan and told he had colon cancer.
Last September he underwent an operation, during which a surgeon removed a nine-inch section of his colon, and he began a three-month course of chemotherapy.
But in April this year he was told the cancer had spread to small intestine.
Mr Taylor responded by tapping the words 'colon cancer cures' into an internet search engine.
He used the information, together with advice from his local health food store, to devise his new diet.
He believes that having a teaspoon of powdered barley grass in hot water every morning and night was particularly crucial.
'There is no question in my mind that my diet saved my life,' he said. 'And all it cost was £30 a week.'

Good news: Mr Taylor learned he had the all-clear in a letter sent from North Tees hospital
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