current occupation of Greece is much worse than the old Nazi
occupation. And this is simply because it is not about a territorial
possession of the country by an invader, but a complete abolition of the
Greek State and a fluidization not only of its own territory, but also
of its people. That is the fundamental difference between 1941 and today
in terms of class and nation. Today the ruling class does not need a
national state. Their powers have already moved to a supranational level
and the accumulation of capitals is mainly apparent in bodiless
documents of titles and fictional money in the globalized markets.
Therefore, today the national state is redundant for the financial
oligarchy, while the “nation” is a convenient contrivance without
physical substance just like the virtual funds it accumulates. That is
the reason why the ruling class in Greece along with the parties of
“European perspective” has adhered to the viewpoint that the Greek state
is incapable of being independent or self-contained, not even viable
under the current circumstances. So the initial theory of “the poor and
the hopeless Greece” has been replaced by the conviction that Greece is
to be absorbed in a broad “European federation” where every shred of
democracy – even in the traditional sense of civic parliamentary
democracy – has been extinct. Greece will not survive from this new
occupation as an independent state and its territorial composition will
be dismembered according to the most urgent interests of those having
power on both the eurozone and the markets. Under these circumstances,
anyone who gives priority to the “class” instead of the “nation” is on
the other side, just because the only “class thing” existing today
without any national characteristics is the class interests of the
ruling class. Only the economic and political oligarchy today, unable to
match their own narrow class interests with the national interest,
renounces even the formal sovereignty and has fully accepted the
demolition of a Greek state as a historical expression of the
independence of the Greek people and nation. Consequently, today whoever
uses only “class” terminology, does nothing else but refer to class
interests of the ruling class and their strategic choices – regardless
whether they hide behind a feigned “left” or a supposedly
“revolutionary” phraseology. Without the struggle for the national
independence and sovereignty of the people there cannot even be a Greek
state, public interest, labour, social or political rights for the
classes under exploitation. So today, as never before in history, the
struggle for the national liberation and restoration is absolutely
identical to the social liberation and constitutes the supreme class
demands of our era for the Greek people and primarily for the workforce.
Without the struggle for national liberation from the EU and the
eurozone, the workers and the workforce, in general, cannot preserve
even the current standards of living, or even the current level of their
demolished rights. They are doomed to result in a lumpen situation as
outsiders bare of any class consciousness or composition. Today, whoever
– among the downtrodden, the working class and other classes under
exploitation – is aware of their class duty is to take a leading role in
the national liberation struggle of the Greek people. Otherwise, they
have joined the class opponent, waving the red flags, without even
having realized it.
Dimitris Kazakis 11/11/2012
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