Kyle Becker | On 07, Oct 2013
The GOP’s top watchdog Darrell Issa told the Daily Caller’s
Ginni Thomas that “there’s a reason to fear” Obama’s government
agencies. The warning comes on the heels of investigations into the IRS’
political targeting of the Democrats’ political enemies and the NSA’s
lawless surveillance on all Americans.
We have entered a time to “love my country, fear my government,” Issa
said in the interview. “Right now, there’s a reason to fear the IRS and
other agencies, including the EPA, who are loaded with people who feel
empowered to bend the rules against those they disagree with,” the
California Republican continued.
Before becoming president, Barack Obama was a radical community
organizer, and was rated the most “liberal” member of the U.S. Senate in
2007 – to the left of self-described socialist Bernie Sanders.
What made the U.S. government exceptional in the history of mankind
is that the Founders designed a system of government that restrained
their ability to abuse the system for their own petty partisan or
personal purposes. Under a system of liberty, for example, corporations
are not able to use the coercive power of government for unfair gain,
and individuals generally have to make an effort to pay their own way —
no free-riding on the backs of others.
Under the guise of wealth redistribution in the supposed name of
“fairness,” the government is laying claim to run every aspect of
people’s lives. Once the government can dictate the terms of the
economy, the rest follows — any behavior that threatens the political
class can be outlawed. Freedom is ultimately suppressed,
and this has
been the indisputable track record of big government throughout history.
As the U.S. was becoming a world superpower, much less than 10% of
GDP was spent on all aspects of government. Now it is more than double
that. A voluntary system of charity, something Americans have excelled
at by world standards, once filled the gap. Now, people just lazily
grant power to government to be “compassionate” on their behalf,
ignoring the damage it does to wealth-generating enterprises that keep
the economic system running.
“Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty,” to cite
a well-known phrase. It is unclear why the American people should trust
the members of a political class who want to aggregate as much power as
possible for themselves, while castigating those who would devolve
power back to the people, economically and socially, as “selfish” and
driven by partisan motives.
It is clear that those politicians most profiting at the people’s
expense are misusing government on behalf of corporations and private
entities, not by allowing the economy to freely operate through market
competition and consumer preferences. Economic freedom promotes
prosperity, equality, and protection from authoritarian government.
The lesson of history is quite simple: Allow the government to
dictate economic outcomes, and watch freedom be dashed upon the rocks by
the ruling class.
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