Greece carries debt from world war 2 having not paid by the damages caused by Germany. Other countries received compensations. Why hasn't Greece. Our debt could be offset by such compensation. Merkel is a political puppet of the German banks. Germany is no longer governed by politicians, and has never been a country with a strong moral compass. "Hitler comes to mind". As it stands now it does not represent the will of its people, and neither does Greece. The good old days of the drachma will be back it seems, and the people will once more begin to chart their own future.
Greece carries debt from world war 2 having not paid by the damages caused by Germany. Other countries received compensations. Why hasn't Greece. Our debt could be offset by such compensation. Merkel is a political puppet of the German banks. Germany is no longer governed by politicians, and has never been a country with a strong moral compass. "Hitler comes to mind". As it stands now it does not represent the will of its people, and neither does Greece. The good old days of the drachma will be back it seems, and the people will once more begin to chart their own future.