Thursday, October 4, 2012

Greek-Australian Lord And Professor Also Slams Harvard For Hiring Papandreou !!!

The Harvard School Institute of Politics probably never expected to receive so much mail. The Institute, which bears the name of one of the world's most honored politicians, John F. Kennedy, is not held in high regard by many people in Greece as well as abroad anymore because it hired George Papandreou. This time a complaint letter was sent to the University from Professor Eleftheriades, George Savva from New South Wales in Australia. He is an Academician-Educationist and Nominated for non-political peerage in the House of Lords (UK 2002).

In his letter he asks the university if it would invite Hitler, or Mussolini, or Pol Pot, to lead its lectures on American Democracy, or even on stimulating Australia’s economy  (LOL), while he also notes that Papandreou should be investigated for treason, because he is a personality that intentionally or unintentionally (unfortunately there is a lot of evidence for the former) bears the greatest responsibility for Greece’s downfall.

The letter which was published on the aegeantimes news site is addressed to the Director of Harvard School Institute of Politics Mr. Trey Grayson, the Coordinator Institute of Politic Mrs. Cathey Park Fellows, Executive Director Mrs. Catherine McLaughlin and many, many others.

To the Harvard School Institute of Politics:
Please Cancel the “Redesigning Europe” seminars-study program by George Papandreou.

Cathey Park
Fellows Coordinator Institute of Politics
Office Address:
Mailing Address
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Mailbox 63
79 JFK Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
ContactPhone: 617-496-4157
Fax: 617-496-4344

Trey Grayson, Director of Harvard School Institute of Politics
Cathey Park Fellows Coordinator Institute of Politic
Catherine McLaughlin Executive Director
Christian Flynn Director of conferences and special projects
Amy Howell Director of Internships
Eric Andersen Director, Fellows and Study Groups Program

Dear Madames and Sirs

GAP (George Papandreou), a treacherous prime-minister; and far from qualifying as statesman.

From the Website of your Institute, I am informed that the Fellows and Study group Program has organized a series of seminars/discussions, titled “Redesigning Europe”, to be presented and led by George Papandreou (

This casts a credibility doubt on your University School’s repute. Would your institution in other circumstances invite Hitler, or Mussolini, or Pol Pot, to lead your lectures on American Democracy, or on Australia’s Stimulating Economy? Believe us, GAP is of similarly low international esteem!

Hellenes in USA, in Hellas, and worldwide, regard him as the traitor and persecutor of Hellenes for their crime of inheriting high civilisation legacies. Your Institute does a grave mistake in inviting this person who presently is virtually a person of public disgrace (persona non grata) a traitor, and now a run-away.

Please understand that for the majority of Greeks who live in Hellas and experience the hardships, as well as for Greek Americans who, in desperation and indignation are watching Greece drown and do not know how to help, GEORGE PAPANDREOU (GAP) IS A WANTED MAN.

A man who should be investigated for treason, a man who, intentionally or unintentionally (unfortunately there is a lot of evidence for the former) bears the greatest responsibility for Greece’s downfall and for the consequences on the Greek people, which range from closing their businesses and losing their jobs to ending up homeless or committing suicide.

In its indirect disregard of GA Papandreou’s prime-ministership in Hellas, your description of him does somewhat unwittingly downcasts it as his most failed attribute.

The lecture agenda includes “Greece takes centre stage” of the experiment. This is GAP’s central repertoire for which he attained notoriety and infamy, as by pretext of sovereign debt (actually smaller of all in Europe) he led Hellenes and their economy to genocidal bondage of IMF, European financiers and bankers.

GAP in collusion with his international patrons reduced his country to this experimental “Greece takes centre stage” for third world “competitiveness” poverty and the wholesale of the national assets and treasures. Such a failed and treacherous politician can not be allowed to have a teaching role; what would the quality be by a person such as GAP?

It is inappropriate for your prestigious institute, at these crucial times, to invite George Papandreou to offer his insights regarding “sovereign debt crisis”, “solutions to global problems”, “Will austerity make our economies competitive?” etc. Is he, seriously, the authority to talk about austerity and the impact on a country’s competitiveness?

Presenting himself as a “socialist”, I doubt that he will advocate austerity measures as a means to increase a country’s competitiveness. Yet, this is exactly what he dragged Greece into. Do you see the hypocrisy here? Considering his recent “achievements”, is George Papandreou a suitable person “to inspire students to consider careers in politics and public service”, which is the mission of your Institute?

Do you understand that inviting this individual to lead a study group in your institution (an invitation that honors G. Papandreou and indicates that you hold high respect for him and his views) is a slap in the face for the Greek people?

Please do not allow these seminars to continue. Cancel these seminars on the basis that you received many complaints from Hellenes and friends, and that your prestigious Institute cannot afford to organize and sponsor questionable programs.

Thank you,
Eleftheriades, George Savva, OAM, GCSCG, CETr, JP.
49A Tramway Street, Rosebery, New South Wales, Australia, 2018

Academician-Educationist. Government Approved Provider of Education (1974/91). Catechist (1956/88)
Collegiarch (Head of Colleges), Athenaeum Communiversity Colleges (Sydney 1974/91)
Listed in Federal Government Select Register for Advisory Services.
Formerly: – Administration Clerk, British Forces, Suez, Egypt (1944/1954)
– Public Servant, PMG-Australia Post (1955/1991)
– Manager (Night Staff), Rushcutters Bay Mail Centre (1987/1991)
Member: – Greek Australian Professionals Association (GAPA, 1988/2003)
– Hellenic Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industries (HACCI, 1989/93)
– Order of Australia (invested 8.6.1998)
– Judiciary (admitted Justice of the Peace, 15.2.1967)
– Protospathaire (Knight Commander) Saint Eugene Order of Trapezous
- Grand Croix (cross), Order of Saint Constantine the Great
Nominated for non-political peerage in the House of Lords (UK 2002)

From: Eleftheriades, George Savva
49A Tramway Street,
Rosebery, New South Wales
Australia, 2018
Editor's note - Believe it or not folks, Papandreou is actually being endorsed as being one of the top 100 "thinkers" of our times (!). You see he did such a great job in Greece that he is now being prompted by Americans on how to save Europe as well. This week he is in Greece and guess who is replacing good old George at Harvard? Well Tromaktiko said today that its former Culture Minister Paul Geroulanos. There are only two words for this... BANANIA-LAND or CIRCUS. This is certainly not in Harvard's favor... and it totally damages its reputation. What a joke!


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