Here’s the deal: Team Obama announced last month that it was setting up an ObamaCare call center to provide information to consumers in preparation for the Oct.1 deadline, when state insurances exchanges were supposed to be operational. (The Government Accountability Office, a nonpartisan investigative arm of Congress, has since announced that the exchanges were “behind schedule” and many, if not most, will not be up and running by Oct. 1.)
Here’s the other deal: At least half of the jobs being offered by at least one branch of the ObamaCare call center will be part-time with no healthcare benefits.
You can’t make this stuff up.
According to the Contra Costa Times, “about half the jobs are part-time, with no health benefits – a stinging disappointment to workers and local politicians who believed the positions would be
The county supervisor, Karen Mitchoff, called the hiring process “a comedy of errors” and said she “never dreamed [the jobs] would be part-time.”
“The battle for the call center was over jobs with good working wages and benefits; I never dreamed they would be part-time,” said Mitchoff, who expressed her “extreme displeasure with how it was handled” to call center supervisors.
One recent hire, who last week learned the job would be part-time, said the new “intermittent” employees feel like they’ve been used as a political tool, and many now regret applying for the positions. (For more information on “political tools,” please see: “Low-information Obama Supporters.”)
“What’s really ironic is working for a call center and trying to help people get healthcare, but we can’t afford it ourselves.”Yeah, well, welcome to the harsh reality of the Community Organizer Two-step. Listen, I feel your pain (kind of), but at the same time, if you haven’t learned by now that Barack Obama has a history of
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