is located in the heart of the 9 Greek speaking villages of Calabria in
the deep South, the extreme tip of the Italian boot, a place known as
Aspromonte. The villages are the following:Bova, Bova Marina, Condofuri,
Chorio di Roccaforte, Chorio Roghudi, Roghudi, Amendolea, Roccaforte
del Greco, and finally Galliciano. Another ...big Greek speaking village that of Pentedattilo, which has the same name as the mountain range in Cyprus, has been abandoned.
total Grecanico population of all the villages is about 9,000. Of all
these, very few understand the Grecanico language and even fewer speak
it. Of all the Greek speaking villages Galliciano has preserved and
retained many aspects of the Greek cultural heritage, it is the place
where the language of Homer is still spoken, and where many cultural
traditions trace themselves back to Greece. Perhaps the fact that it is
the most isolated of all the villages which make up the Greek speaking
zone of Calabria, is an indication of that. Sadly the Greek language
spoken in this region for thousands of years is rapidly dieing off. The
village of Galliciano is the last strong hold of this ancient culture
and it is called the Acropolis of Hellenism in Calabria. Recently a
Greek Orthodox Church was build in the village and it was also visited
by the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople in 2001. Many
families have converted back to the Orthodox faith which was out lawed
by the Vatican in 1756.
ποίημα του Domenico Nuccera, που περιλαμβάνεται στο βιβλίο ‘’Η σύγχρονη
ελληνόφωνη ποίηση στην Κάτω Ιταλία’’, έκδοση 1997, από την επιτροπή για
την διάδοση της Ελληνικής γλώσσας και Πολιτισμού, για μένα τα λέει
Ta pappúma
Ta pappúma ecáma
mia megáli carré
race megála prámata
O cósmio ti stéki
condáma ma zitái
na mi pesénumena
mi peséni cino
ti ézie ce zici
no ti iste
ce áddha den éne.
Poddhá lúkki ma ccamunaume
agápi liga
poddhi me lissa.
Ando táfi Oméro
zitái ce séli
na mi peséni
i glóssa dikima
i glóssa tu megálu
Pos ecino.
και η μετάφρασή του στα κοινά ελληνικά
Οι παππούδες (πρόγονοι) μας
Οι παππούδες μας έκαμαν
Οι παππούδες μας έκαμαν
μια μεγάλη πορεία
και μεγάλα έργα
μας αφήκαν.
Ο κόσμος που είναι
κοντά μας μας ζητάει
να μην πεθάνουμε,
να μην πεθάνει κείνο
που έζησε και ζει
κείνο που είστε
και άλλοι δεν είναι.
Πολλά μάτια μας βλέπουν
με αγάπη λίγα
πολλά με κακία.
Απ΄τον τάφο ο Όμηρος
ζητάει και θέλει
να μην πεθαίνει
η δική μας γλώσσα
η γλώσσα των μεγάλων
όπως εκείνος.
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